7 Ways to Make Sure Your Kids Remain Safe from the Dark Side of Internet

It’s not entirely possible to argue with the fact that technology has made people’s lives easier than ever. The process of learning is now cheap, simple, and quick. You and your kids can learn whatever you want on the internet. It is a never-ending ocean of knowledge. Indeed, it is the finest of human creations.

remain safe from dark side

However, just like everything else in the world, the internet also has a dark side. You being an adult understand how not to get involved in immoral things present on the net. But, your kids are not able to differentiate between right and wrong. Therefore, you need to make sure that they don’t get involved in anything that can harm them in any way on the internet.

Here are seven ways that can help you to keep an eye on your kids and protect them from all the wrongs on the internet. Give them a read and make your kids safe now:

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Place Their Computers in the Open Areas

If your kids use the internet mostly on their desktops, then it is for the best that you set their computers in the living room or somewhere you can keep an eye on what they are doing. Another important thing is that you should make sure that they don’t feel uncomfortable. So, keep it natural.

Keep an Eye on Their Mobile Devices

Kids have a mobile phone at a very young age now a day. They could be doing anything on their phone while you’ll have absolutely no idea until they put themselves in a great deal of trouble. You can protect your kids from any of the unfortunate situations by mspy app to track phone without them knowing.

Discuss Your Concerns with Them in Friendly Manner

The best way to keep your kids safe all the darkness of the internet is to make them realize that you care for them, and you are worried about them. Do it in a friendly and happy environment. Tell them how you never want them to be in trouble. You must tell them that if anything bad happens, they can trust you and talk about it with you. Giving your kids your confidence is the key to protect them from indulging in harmful activities.

Check with Your Internet Service Provider

Lastly, you must regularly check with your internet service provider. Ask them about the parental controls that they offer. Most internet service providers offer to block and filtering tools that block access to the websites that you don’t want your kids to visit.

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Learn the Ways of Social Media

Dark side of internet

Social media is incredibly beneficial for a range of reasons. But, it is also full of potential unseen risks. That is why you need to learn the ins and outs of the social media platforms your child mostly uses. These include, but are not limited to:

  • Instagram
  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Snapchat
  • Pinterest
  • TikTok

Once you have a decent knowledge of these platforms, take every safety precaution you possibly can. Things, like making your child’s profile private or turning on the parental settings, can be beneficial.

Spend Time Online With Your Kids

If you wish to know what your kids are up to online, you need to spend time with them online. Add them on your social media accounts and talk to them there when they are online. It’ll help you to know what they are doing when they are with their friends or in their school because kids post everything online these days.

Monitor Their Internet Usage

The internet is full of dangerous things hiding out in every corner. That is why you should strictly monitor your child’s internet usage.

Check Their Downloads

Your child could unknowingly get download contaminated files. These can carry anything, from viruses to secret software that can steal information. You should tell your kid to ask your permission before downloading any game, software, or anything else. You can then check the authenticity by making sure the file came from a reliable source.

Restrict Sharing Private Information

Kids post all sorts of things online these days. You should make sure that your kid doesn’t post their live location, home address, phone number, or other private details. Your kid might be inclined to share this information with their friends, which shouldn’t be a problem. But you should make sure they don’t openly post them on their profiles.

Inspect Their Online Friends

There are many people online, and anyone can send your kid a follow request. While many of them may be people you child knows from school or around the neighborhood, there can also be some complete strangers. You need to pick out strangers and remove them from the list of friends or followers, as they can easily be sexual predators or pedophiles.

You should also make sure your kid doesn’t accept requests from complete strangers in the future.

Give Them a List of Strong Passwords

Kids usually pick very easy passwords, like 12345678. These are very easy to guess, and anyone can easily access their account and information. Using common things as passwords is also not a good idea.

You should come up with a list of strong passwords that use capital and small case letters, as well as special characters. It would be best if the length was at least eight characters. The password should be easy enough for your kid to remember, but it shouldn’t be anything that anyone can guess.

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Make Sure They Don’t Post Sensitive Content

Kids nowadays share and post many sensitive images or videos online. They may share with their friends in private messaging areas, or post them publicly for everyone to see.

You should talk to your child and educate them about the potential risks of sharing private media. Even close friends can make the content public to shame your kid. If they do post publicly, then there is no saying what can happen because the possibilities are, unfortunately, endless.


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