A Simple Step by Step Guide to SEO

Search Engine Optimisation ensures that your website is found in search engines for keywords that are relevant to what your site is offering. Good SEO website can be a source of significant income today. Maybe you aren’t quite sure where to start, but you do not need to hire a specialist to help you for money. SEO is quite simple and, as far as you are not an owner of a big company, there is no need for hiring a consultant. Let’s take a look at a step by step guide To SEO  that will help you start off on the right foot.

Step by Step Guide to SEO

Here is a very easy step by step guide to do SEO for your website –

1. Target those who are searching for you

There are always people who are searching for something online. They might have heard about your business and they would like to get in touch with you. Or they have met you somewhere, but lost your business card. They want to become your customers and need to get more information about the products that you offer. Thus, they will do research in Google, using some specific keywords.

2. Identifying keywords

In this step, we need to consider the words, which people might type in Google search in order to find you. I am going to write a list of keywords that would be a good fit for some book service. For instance, ‘book club’, ‘bookmarks’, ‘book reviews’, ‘book buy’, ‘book blogs’, ‘book design trends’, ‘book database’, ‘book in English’. That is a good list to start with and I used a keyword generator to create it. This kind of generators will suggest you thousands of variations of the keywords you may use. Get a solid list of 5-10 keywords. Now you can type your keywords into another assistant called Ubersuggest and get even more results. I got 992 keywords ideas just for a ‘book club’. With these free tools, you will have thousands of keywords.

keyword research

3. Traffic estimating

One of the next steps is to figure out if our keywords have enough search volume. Some of them wouldn’t do much for us, but we don’t need to guess, as there are plenty of online tools and services that provide traffic volume estimation for the keywords. The best option will be to use a couple of different services and then to compare results.

4. On-site SEO basics

The most important things happen on your own website. You might know something about link building, but it’s not going to be that effective without a good on-site search optimization. Take a look at this list of minimum optimization rules you should keep in mind:

– The thing you don’t want to do is overdoing it. You would like to have many keywords, but it’s not your goal. Think about up to 5 keywords or phrases max for each page of your website.

– Title tag. The title tag is a title of the page. It tells search engines what your page is about. It should have up to 70 characters and must include your brand name and keywords related to that specific page only.

– Meta description. It tells search engines a little bit more about the content of your page and it shows up in search results.

on site seo

5. Content

The more content you have, the bigger chances that you will get new visitors. Also, the more content you have, the bigger chances that search engines will put more of your content in the search index. The secret is to have quality content on your website including blog posts, articles, tutorials and others. Creating content takes a lot of time and can be quite costly. You can hire content writers, freelancers, or you can try the best essay writing service for this task. That’s the thing you need to work on hard.

6. Off-site optimization

Off-site optimisation is just a fancy way to say “links”. Sometimes we call them backlinks. Link building is used to get other websites to link to yours. How can we get them? There are many different ways how to do it. You may have heard about three main types of links and link building techniques:

  • Organic links. They are the most valuable links to your website, especially if you can get them on websites with high authority.
  • Whitehat is a good and quality link building.
  • Blackhat is a spammy and low-quality link building.

Get started on building quality links by doing the next thing:

– Submit guest blog posts to popular websites in your industry.

– Reach out to related companies to see if they will link to you.

– Create a good content that other websites would like to link and share.

link building

7. Can Google+ help you?

If your goal is Google, then don’t forget to join Google+. It will help you to rank better in search results for people you are connected with. You should take advantage of everything.

8. Monitoring results

Once it’s done, you need to keep track on your SEO website progress. You can use the following tools to monitor your results:

  • Google Analytics to learn about the visitors of your site. You can see what keywords people use to find you.
  • Authority Labs is a search engine rank monitoring service.


Isn’t there something more?

Yes, definitely. But if you are just getting started, that is what you should begin with. It is not that hard and you don’t need hiring an SEO company to help you. By completing these simple steps above, you can optimize your site content for Google SEO in a short time.


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